pdf ENR Final Submission to SRRB hearing and Schedule A 16 05 20 Popular
By Deborah Simmons 2286 downloads
ENR Final Submission to SRRB hearing and Schedule A 16-05-20.pdf
This final submission by NWT Environment and Natural Resources includes the following:
- An outline of the relevant Ɂehdzo Got'ı̨nę Gots'ę́ Nákedı (Sahtú Renewable Resources Board) mandate per the Sahtú Dene and Métis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement, including the statement of principles, objectives and provisions related to limitation of the harvest.
- The Need for Conservation: Status of the Bluenose-East herd.
- Main Elements of the Bluenose-East Management Proposal, including: Hunter Harvest; Predator Management; and Monitoring.
- What we heard during the public hearing, including: importance of maintaining caribou harvest for Aboriginal cultures; leadership in caribou conservation from Délįne; caribou collars; predator management; development and maintaining healthy habitat; co‐management through community outreach, education and involvement; Sahtú Needs Level.
- Schedule A: Submission to the Nunavut Wildlife Management Board.