Public Hearing Registry
This is a registry of audio recordings from the Bluenose East Ɂekwę́ Hearing, in the languages of the Sahtú inluding Délı̨nę, Shúhta, K'áalǫ, K'áhsho, and Delá dialects.
Most of the speakers addressed the Board in English, which is why most of these files include the Délı̨nę Got'ı̨nęk'ǝ Gokedǝ́ interpretations, with the speaker's voice mixed in the background.
Long pauses and breaks, as well as some administrative or process-related discussions, have been edited out. Where presentations or testimony ran longer than 25-30 minutes, the audio has been broken down into parts. Question and answer sessions have been similarly grouped, based on the parties posing the questions.
The files are in a compressed mp3 format for faster streaming and downloading.